Posted On: Nov 16, 2017

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) introduces two new features that can help to protect your sender reputation: email pausing and configuration set reputation metrics. 

This release includes API operations that allow you to temporarily pause email sending for a specific configuration set, or across your entire Amazon SES account. You can use this feature to automatically pause email sending when your reputation metrics cross certain thresholds that you define.

For example, if the complaint rate for emails sent using a configuration set exceeds 0.25%, you can prevent other emails that use that configuration set from being sent. For more information, see Automatically Pausing Email Sending to CloudWatch in the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

This release also includes the ability to view reputation metrics for individual configuration sets. Amazon SES already publishes metrics related to the bounce and complaint rates for your entire Amazon SES account to Amazon CloudWatch. You can use these metrics to track historical trends, and to create alarms.

With today's update, you can also send metrics that are specific to emails sent using individual configuration sets. This additional layer of information will help you better understand and respond to changes. For more information, see Exporting Reputation Metrics for a Configuration Set to CloudWatch in the Amazon SES Developer Guide and read the blog post.

These features are now available in the following AWS Regions: US West (Oregon), US East (N. Virginia), and EU (Ireland).