AWS Alexa Skill Now Available

Posted on: Nov 27, 2017

You can now hear the latest launch announcements from AWS on your Alexa-enabled device with the AWS Alexa skill. The AWS skill augments the existing channels (Blog posts and What’s New posts) with a hands-free option for consuming information about new services and features from AWS. You can enable the skill on your Alexa-enabled device by filtering search results to Alexa Skills on and searching for “AWS”. After enabled, you can customize the skill to only hear about your favorite services (e.g. EC2) or categories (e.g. Compute) from AWS.

In addition to providing daily AWS news throughout the year, this skill also provides up-to-date news about services and features launched at AWS re:Invent 2017. Simply ask, “Alexa, ask AWS what’s launched at re:Invent.”

Click here to view more information about the skill and to enable it on your Alexa-enabled device.