Posted On: Dec 6, 2017

This new Quick Start deploys a standardized environment that helps support the requirements for the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy version 5.6. These requirements typically apply to systems that must go through a formal assessment and authorization process to ensure sufficient protection of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and information systems, based on the security category and impact level of the system (low, moderate, or high), and a risk determination. Note that this Quick Start will help organizations get started, but additional effort will be needed for full alignment to the CJIS Security Policy. 

The Quick Start uses customizable AWS CloudFormation templates to automatically deploy the baseline environment in about 30 minutes. You can also use the templates as a starting point for your own implementation, by downloading them from the GitHub repository.

The Quick Start includes a security controls matrix, which maps the architecture decisions, components, and configuration in this Quick Start to security requirements within the CJIS Security Policy 5.6 publication; indicates which AWS CloudFormation templates and stacks affect the controls implementation; and specifies the associated AWS resources within the templates and stacks.

To comply with CJIS standards, this Quick Start must be deployed in the AWS GovCloud (US) Region.

To get started, use the following resources:

If you need assistance with an enterprise implementation of the capabilities introduced through this Quick Start, AWS Professional Services can help you customize and tailor the templates for your specific use cases. Contact your AWS account manager for further information.

About Quick Starts

Quick Starts are automated reference deployments for key workloads on the AWS Cloud. Each Quick Start launches, configures, and runs the AWS compute, network, storage, and other services required to deploy a specific workload on AWS, using AWS best practices for security and availability. This is the latest in a series of Quick Starts that provide security-focused, standardized architecture solutions to help Managed Service Providers (MSPs), cloud provisioning teams, developers, integrators, and information security teams adhere to strict security, compliance, and risk management controls.

Modified 12/22/2021 – In an effort to ensure a great experience, expired links in this post have been updated or removed from the original post.