Posted On: May 15, 2018

The AWS Amplify JavaScript Library introduces service worker capabilities to enable high-quality, cloud-powered Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) for web and mobile. Developers who want to enable PWA features in their apps can use AWS Amplify's built-in utility class to register their service workers, enable and utilize web push APIs, and monitor service worker life-cycle events with Analytics. Developers can also integrate other cloud features such as authorization, real-time data, and user storage through AWS Amplify's category of operations.

Progressive web apps are an enhancement to existing web standards, and they deliver better user experience with native-like features. Similar to regular web apps, PWAs are deployed for hosting, and they are available through URLs and search engines. Additionally, PWAs have extended capabilities like running offline, installing to the home screen or browser, receiving push notifications, and performing tasks in the background.

With AWS Amplify's latest PWA support, developers can quickly create scalable PWAs and deploy them using AWS Mobile CLI. The web deployments are powered by Amazon S3 cloud storage service and Amazon CloudFront, a global content delivery network with built-in support for media streaming. After deployment, AWS Amplify's Analytics category will start tracking service worker life-cycle events, and will provide valuable in-app metrics like the number of installations.

Read more about using PWAs and web worker support in AWS Amplify developer guide.

AWS Amplify is a Javascript library that can be used from any region where AWS services that are invoked through the library is available. For more information on AWS service region availability, please see the region table.