Posted On: Aug 16, 2018

Introducing email reports for QuickSight! Customers can now automatically send elegant reports directly to their users' inbox on a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule, keeping them up to date on the latest data. Now readers and authors can get access to their information delivered straight to their inbox. They can click into their QuickSight account when they need to dive in and explore their interactive dashboards. Email Reports are available today for all Enterprise Edition customers.

QuickSight authors can choose to send a one-time or scheduled email report to users who have access to the dashboard within the QuickSight account. Email reports can be personalized for desktop or mobile layouts depending on the recipients' preferences. Enabling email reports for a dashboard is easy, simply navigate to the ‘Share’ menu on the dashboard page, and choose the 'Email Report' option. Note - you must be an owner or co-owner of the dashboard to send an email report. For QuickSight authors, email reports are included in the monthly subscription charges; authors may receive unlimited email reports in a month. For QuickSight readers, charges for email reports follow the Pay-per-Session pricing model. Click here to learn more.

Additionally, QuickSight launched support for data labels on visuals. Dashboard authors can format visuals to include on-chart labels and set the label position, font size and other visual specific options. Data labels are available to both Standard and Enterprise customers. Click here to learn more.

These features are now available in all QuickSight regions - US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo).