Posted On: Sep 19, 2018

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis adds support for adding and removing read replica nodes for Redis Cluster, the sharded Redis. Now you can easily scale your reads and improve availability for your Redis Cluster environments without requiring manual steps or needing to make application changes. Amazon ElastiCache already supports adding and removing read replicas for unsharded Redis (non-Redis Cluster mode).

Redis Cluster allows for datasets to be automatically sharded across multiple Redis nodes. You can add replicas to increase your cluster’s read throughput, and serve high-volume application read traffic. Additionally, read replicas can also be used to enable auto failover and improve availability. With this new feature, you can right-size your Redis cluster’s read capacity without the hassle of taking a manual snapshot and restoring it to a new cluster with the desired number of read replicas per shard. Instead, you can easily add or remove replicas to one or more shards, and ElastiCache takes care of all the necessary steps to adjust your Redis cluster in the background. Your cluster continues to be available for reads and writes while the operation is in progress. With this release, you will also notice faster cluster creation, with up to 40% reduction in cluster creation times. 

These new features are available in all AWS regions. To get started with just a few clicks, log into the AWS Management Console.