Posted On: Nov 6, 2018

Today, Amazon Pinpoint added support for transactional emails. This capability exists alongside the existing campaign-based email sending features of Amazon Pinpoint. Transactional emails are a great tool for sending ad-hoc messages, such as order confirmations and password reset emails.

In addition to the ability to send transactional emails, you can now lease dedicated IP addresses from Amazon Pinpoint for an additional charge. By using a dedicated IP address, you gain additional control over the deliverability of your emails.

And finally, you can use the out-of-the-box analytics reports built in to Amazon Pinpoint to measure the impact that your emails have on your customers' behaviors. You can use this information to improve your email sending, and to make better decisions about how you engage your users by email.

With this release, you can now send transactional messages across the email, SMS, and push notification channels. These features help ensure that you reach the right customer with the right message in the right channel.

To learn more, see the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide and the Amazon Pinpoint API Reference.