Posted On: Nov 26, 2018

The AWS Amplify Console is a continuous deployment and hosting service for modern web applications with serverless backends. Modern web applications include single page app frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue, and static-site generators like Jekyll, Hugo, and Gatsby.

The AWS Amplify Console accelerates your application release cycle, by deploying changes to your frontend and backend on every code commit. On connecting a Git repository, Amplify automatically determines the build settings for both the frontend framework and any serverless backend resources configured with the Amplify CLI. The app is built and deployed to a globally available content delivery network (CDN) hosted on an domain. 

The Amplify Console simplifies production and development workflows by creating new frontend and backend environments every time a developer connects a new feature branch. Feature branch deployments can be password protected to restrict access to internal stakeholders during development. When it's time to take the web app to production, simply pick your Amazon Route53 custom domain, and Amplify automatically updates the associated DNS records and generates a free HTTPS certificate.

To get started, visit