Posted On: Apr 4, 2019

Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) can now send log data from the Kubernetes control plane to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. These logs make it easier to monitor changes made to and performance of your Amazon EKS clusters.

Previously, Kubernetes control plane log data for Amazon EKS clusters was not accessible to audit changes and monitor activity for your Amazon EKS clusters.

Now, you can send control plane logs including: audit, API server, authenticator, controller-manager, and scheduler logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Each selected log stream is sent to Amazon CloudWatch Logs within your account, and stored accordingly. Processing and viewing logs using Amazon CloudWatch is a helpful way to validate operational health of your entire Kubernetes cluster, and will makes it easy to generate alerts for timely assessment of operational events.

Standard CloudWatch Logs pricing for log ingestion and storage apply to all logs sent to CloudWatch Logs from Amazon EKS.

Learn more about enabling control plane logs for your cluster in the Amazon EKS documentation.