Posted On: Apr 23, 2019

Amazon Elasticsearch Service now supports the latest C5 (compute-optimized), M5 (general-purpose), and R5 (memory-optimized) instances, all of which offer superior performance at lower costs compared to previous-generation instances.

The C5, M5, and R5 instances are built on the Nitro system, a collection of AWS-built hardware and software components that enable high performance, availability, and security. These instances are powered by Intel Xeon Platinum processors with Intel’s newest vector processing instruction set, delivering faster compute performance. They also feature enhanced networking based on the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA), which provides increased network bandwidth, making shard relocation faster and reducing the time for cluster updates and instance recovery. These instances are also EBS-optimized with up to 3.5 Gbps burst support for smaller instance sizes (below 4XL), which helps maximize indexing and search performance. 

You can now provision up to 8x more EBS storage per instance (e.g. R5.12XL supports up to 12 TB of EBS storage per instance), which lets you index more data with fewer instances and gain additional cost savings. Further savings are available via reserved instance (RI) pricing.  

C5 and M5 instances for Amazon Elasticsearch Service are available across the following regions globally: US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon, N. California), AWS GovCloud (US-Gov-East, US-Gov-West), Canada (Central), South America (Sao Paulo), EU (Ireland, London, Frankfurt, Paris, Stockholm), and Asia Pacific (Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Seoul, Mumbai). R5 instances are available across all the aforementioned regions except South America (Sao Paulo).