Posted On: Jul 29, 2019

Today, Amazon Pinpoint announces the release of the Campaign Metrics and Application Metrics APIs. By using these APIs, you can programmatically access a subset of the campaign metrics, or key performance indicators (KPIs), that appear on the analytics pages of the Amazon Pinpoint console. This means that you can display, monitor, and assess the performance of your campaigns without needing to analyze raw event data or sign into the Amazon Pinpoint console. These APIs also make it easy to integrate campaign metrics into your existing reporting tools and share them with your team.

The Application Metrics API lets you monitor activity across your campaigns by using KPIs such as the percentage of successful deliveries for all campaigns. The Campaign Metrics API enables you to dive into the specifics of your campaigns by using KPIs such as the percentage of successful deliveries for a specific campaign or campaign run. We continuously update the data that’s accessible from these APIs, limiting the data latency timeframe to approximately two hours.

To learn more, see the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide, the Amazon Pinpoint API Reference, and the Targeting & Messaging blog post, Tracking Campaign Performance Using the Metrics APIs.