Posted On: Oct 24, 2019

Today, we’re excited to announce support for Amazon Linux 2 and new Instance Types. With this update, it’s easier and more cost efficient to:

  • Create GameLift fleets backed by Amazon Linux 2. As a result, you can take advantage of the updates and upgrades of a more modern operating system.
  • Run game servers on the next generation C5, M5, and R5 instances. Now your servers have a higher performance to cost ratio.
  • Leverage improved CloudFormation support to quickly take resources from development into production, or replicate existing configurations into new regions

Just a reminder, GameLift is available in the following 15 AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon and N. California), Central Canada (Montreal), EU Central (Frankfurt), EU West (London and Ireland), Asia Pacific South (Mumbai), Asia Pacific Northeast (Seoul and Tokyo), Asia Pacific Southeast (Singapore and Sydney), South America East (São Paulo), and AWS China (Beijing).

To learn more about Linux 2 and new Instance Types, check out the documentation.