Posted On: Nov 25, 2019

Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics allows you to monitor application endpoints more easily. With this new feature, CloudWatch now collects canary traffic, which can continually verify your customer experience even when you don’t have any customer traffic on your applications, enabling you to discover issues before your customers do. CloudWatch Synthetics supports monitoring of your REST APIs, URLs, and website content, checking for unauthorized changes from phishing, code injection and cross-site scripting. CloudWatch Synthetics runs tests on your endpoints every minute, 24x7, and alerts you when your application endpoints don’t behave as expected. These tests can be customized to check for availability, latency, transactions, broken or dead links, step by step task completions, page load errors, load latencies for UI assets, complex wizard flows, or checkout flows in your applications. You can also use CloudWatch Synthetics to isolate alarming application endpoints and map them back to underlying infrastructure issues to reduce mean time to resolution.  

It's easy to get started with CloudWatch Synthetics. In the CloudWatch console, go to Synthetics in the navigation pane to write your first passing canary in minutes by specifying the URL or API you want to monitor. There are no servers, drivers, or any other dependencies to install or configure. Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics is available in preview in the following public AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), and EU (Ireland). To learn more, visit the documentation on Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics. For pricing, please refer the Amazon CloudWatch Pricing page.