Posted On: Nov 18, 2019

Starting today, AWS customers in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region can opt in to using longer IDs using APIs or the AWS Management Console.

From now until the end of April 2020, you can test your systems with the longer format and opt in when you are ready. After April 2020, all new resources will be created with longer IDs by default. Note that the new format will only apply to newly created resources; your existing resources won't be affected. We strongly recommend testing your systems and opting in to the longer ID format across all of your accounts before the end of April 2020.

The current format is a resource identifier followed by an 8-character string. The new format will be the same resource identifier followed by a 17-character string. For example, today, your VPC has a resource identifier like “vpc-1234abc0”. After April 2020, a new VPC will be assigned an identifier like “vpc-1234567890abcdef0”.  

More information about affected resources, testing procedures, and more can be found on the EC2 FAQ page.

Modified 10/18/2021 – In an effort to ensure a great experience, expired links in this post have been updated or removed from the original post.