Posted On: Feb 5, 2020

Amazon Elastic Container Service now enables customers to tag Task Sets when deploying an ECS service that uses the EXTERNAL deployment controller type. This will enable ECS customers to improve visibility into workloads, easily search and identify containerized applications, implement programmatic infrastructure management actions, and define fine-grained resource-level permissions.

Task sets are an ECS primitive used to configure multiple revisions of an application all scoped within a single service. Customers can now assign their own meta data to Task Sets using tags, which are labels that consists of a key and an optional value. With the tagging for Task Sets ability, customers can tag their ECS Task Sets at creation or at runtime using the ECS CreateTaskSet and TagResource APIs allowing Tag-based access control and searchability.

To use this feature, it requires that you opt-in to the new Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and resource identifier (ID) formats. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and ID and ECS Taskset Documentation.