Posted On: May 21, 2020

Amazon Chime is a communications service that lets you meet, chat, and place business calls inside and outside your organization, all using a single application. Amazon Chime enterprise account administrators can now set custom retention policies on chat data in the Amazon Chime application. Retention policies can be set in daily increments with a minimum of one day, and a maximum of 15 years. These policies are applied to chat rooms created by users in the enterprise account and to conversations where all participants are users in the enterprise account. When a retention policy is set, all messages that have met the retention period will be deleted from Amazon Chime, and new messages will be deleted as they reach the end of the retention period.

Using Amazon Chime custom retention policies, as an enterprise account administrator you can decide on the useful period for your account’s chat data in chat rooms and conversations. Because policies can be set separately for chat rooms and conversations, you have the option to keep a longer retention policy on rooms so they can serve as a knowledge base, and keep retention policies shorter in conversations where content may only be relevant for a shorter period of time.  

Note: Any new conversations involving at least one member of an Amazon Chime Enterprise account and any users that are not members of the same account will automatically have a retention period of 90 days. Conversations that do not involve at least one member of an Amazon Chime Enterprise account and chat rooms not created by a member of an Amazon Chime Enterprise account are not affected by retention policies.