Posted On: May 14, 2020

You can now use recently launched State Manager features through AWS CloudFormation, with support for all State Manager CLI and SDK operations, such as rate control. State Manager, a feature of AWS Systems Manager, is used to define, enforce, and report on desired state configuration compliance for your infrastructure. This integration provides additional safety, control, and flexibility when deploying desired state configurations with AWS CloudFormation.

With this launch, you can continue to use State Manager to manage your desired state configuration in a reusable AWS CloudFormation template, while leveraging the latest State Manager features. For example, you can now create AWS CloudFormation templates to deploy agents on your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances more safely by limiting how many instances you deploy agents to concurrently. You can also respond appropriately to issues with your deployments by defining how many errors are acceptable before terminating the process, and by differentiating the severity level of any non-compliant instances.

State Manager's AWS CloudFormation support code is now also publicly available on GitHub. This feature enables the community to provide feedback and contribute enhancements.

To find the Systems Manager resources and properties supported by AWS CloudFormation templates, see the AWS Systems Manager Resource Type Reference. To learn more about State Manager, visit the AWS Systems Manager product page and documentation on Systems Manager State Manager.