Posted On: Jul 17, 2020

Lumberyard 1.25 is available now, bringing you an updated UI, an updated Starter Game project to help you get set up with best practices, and the brand new White Box Tool!  

Check out some of our favorite updates:

  • The Updated Starter Game brings you an updated sample project that uses best practices for Script Canvas, physics, terrain, and more! Check out our new character, Valena the Astronaut.
  • An updated UI makes it easier to navigate the editor and iterate quickly in your project. The new UI is more than a uniform aesthetic, it's a cohesive set of components and rules grounded in industry-standard interaction patterns to ease on-boarding, improve editor efficiency, and support the development of custom tools and interface extensions.
  • Level designers have reason to celebrate: Lumberyard 1.25 introduces the brand-new WhiteBox tool! The White Box Tool allows developers to create simple geometry for their projects.
  • Script Canvas Functions are here! Script Canvas now offers reusable graphs, called functions. Graph functions that you create become available for use as nodes in other graphs.
  • Lumberyard 1.25 adds a new way to serialize source files that uses a simpler and cleaner JSON format in order to fit better into artists/designers workflows.
  • We’re introducing Landscape Canvas: a node-based tool for visualizing/authoring data for Dynamic Vegetation.
  • Over 120 bug fixes!

For more information on this release, read the Game Tech Blog and the Lumberyard Beta 1.25 release notes.

To get started with Amazon Lumberyard, please visit the Lumberyard website to download Lumberyard. You can learn more about Lumberyard’s new features by watching our Tutorials, visiting the Forums, or reading through our Documentation.