Posted On: Aug 11, 2020

Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) now supports next-generation, memory-optimized Amazon EC2 R5 nodes for high-performance applications. R5 nodes are based on the AWS Nitro System and feature enhanced networking based on the Elastic Network Adapter. Memory-optimized R5 nodes offer memory size flexibility from 16 to 768 GiB. 

The AWS Nitro System is a combination of dedicated hardware and a lightweight hypervisor that is featured in R5 nodes. The Nitro System delivers practically all of the compute and memory resources of the host hardware to your nodes for superior performance and a better user experience. DAX has tuned R5 nodes further to maximize network performance and CPU utilization, providing better performance than R4 and R3 nodes at equivalent or lower costs.  

R5 nodes are available in the US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (N. California and Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London, and Paris), South America (Sao Paulo), and China (Ningxia) Regions. 

For more information about pricing, see DynamoDB pricing. To get started with DAX, see DAX: How It Works.