Posted On: Aug 19, 2020

You can now centrally discover, plan, and track your migrations into any commercial AWS region from the Migration Hub in the EU (Ireland) & EU (London) Regions. 

Migration Hub provides a single location to discover your on-premises infrastructure, obtain right-sized EC2 instance recommendations, and track the progress of your application migrations across multiple AWS and partner services. You can migrate into any AWS region supported by your migration tools and the migration status will appear in Migration Hub. 

To start discovery and planning, you import a CSV of your inventory or deploy a collector into your data center that collects server specification information, performance data, and details of running processes and network connections. This data can be used to perform a detailed cost estimate in advance of migrating to AWS, or to group servers into applications for planning purposes. When ready to migrate, use the migration tools that best fit your needs and track application progress in the Migration Hub. The Migration Hub provides a single repository of discovery and migration planning information for your entire portfolio and a central view of migrations into multiple AWS regions. 

AWS Migration Hub is available to AWS customers at no additional charge in US West (Oregon), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), US East (N. Virginia), EU (Ireland) & EU (London) Regions. You only pay for the cost of the migration tools you use, and any resources being consumed on AWS. To get started with Migration Hub, log in to the Migration Hub console and follow the guided workflow. To learn more, visit the AWS Migration Hub page or refer to the Webinar on “How AWS Migration Hub Helps You Plan, Track, and Complete Your Application Migrations”.