Posted On: Sep 25, 2020

Today, the AWS Copilot CLI for Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) launched version 0.4.0. Starting with this release, you can enable autoscaling for services based on average CPU and memory utilization and provide a maximum and minimum number of tasks. AWS Copilot will also retain the service’s desired count after autoscaling occurred, so that if a deployment starts, your service will remain scaled out or in based on resource utilization.  

AWS Copilot also offers more operational capabilities. You can also collect logs for specific tasks within a service allowing you to debug with more granularity, add enable load balancers to provide sticky sessions, and have manual control over pipelines to start or stop certain actions. This lets you have more control and insight to your services within AWS Copilot’s simple interface to deploy and manage services.

To get started, see the following resources:

  • Read the full release notes for v0.4.0 here.
  • AWS Copilot can deploy applications to AWS Fargate supported regions and is available for download on Mac and Linux here.
  • Connect with us and learn more about the project on our open source GitHub repository.
  • Read about AWS Copilot on the AWS Containers blog.
  • See tutorials with AWS Copilot in our documentation.