Posted On: Sep 8, 2020

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) now allows you to create and manage EKS Fargate profiles using AWS CloudFormation. This makes it easy to template and configure EKS clusters to use AWS Fargate in a single step, or to add Fargate support to existing EKS clusters managed via CloudFormation.

EKS Fargate profiles define which pods for your Amazon EKS clusters run on AWS Fargate, the AWS managed compute engine for containers. Previously, it was only possible to create and manage Fargate profiles using the EKS API or Console.  

Now, you can create and manage Fargate profiles using AWS CloudFormation. This means that you can define an EKS cluster and Fargate profiles in a single CloudFormation template and easily specify multiple profiles to meet the needs of different applications on your cluster. 

To learn more, visit the Amazon EKS or AWS CloudFormation documentation. Visit our product pages to learn more about Amazon EKS or AWS Fargate.