Posted On: Oct 21, 2020

AWS announces the availability of Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights, a fully integrated, interactive, and pay-as-you-go log analytics service for CloudWatch in the Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local) Region. CloudWatch Logs Insights enables you to explore, analyze, and visualize your logs instantly, allowing you to troubleshoot operational problems with ease. With Logs Insights, you only pay for the queries you run. Logs Insights scales with your log volume and query complexity giving you answers in seconds. In addition, you can publish log-based metrics, create alarms, and correlate logs and metrics together in CloudWatch Dashboards for complete operational visibility.  

With a few clicks in the AWS Management Console, you can start using CloudWatch Logs Insights to query logs sent to CloudWatch. You can instantly begin writing queries with aggregations, filters, and regular expressions. In addition, you can visualize timeseries data, drill down into individual log events, and export query results to CloudWatch Dashboards. Alternatively, you can use CloudWatch Logs Insights API for query execution or log data streaming to your current tool.
You can learn more about CloudWatch Logs Insights pay-per-query pricing here. To get started, visit our Getting Started guide.