Posted On: Nov 13, 2020

Amazon QuickSight now supports Waterfall charts. Waterfall charts show how any metric is affected positively or negatively by a series of contributing factors. Dashboard authors can create a waterfall chart by choosing this new visual type from the visuals menu. See here for more details.  

Additionally, QuickSight now supports Funnel charts. Funnel charts visually represent progression of linear processes. For example, you can represent sales pipeline to track sales leads from first contact to sales conversion, and represent completion and dropout rates through a website signup process. See here for more details. 

With off-visual sorting, authors can now sort the visual using a field that is not part of the visual. For example, dashboard authors can represent dimensional values in a customized order that is based on an index assigned to each of the values without having to include the index in the visual. See here to learn more.  

Lastly, QuickSight added new customizations on tables and pivot tables. You can add custom labels to represent totals and sub-totals, choose to pin or unpin totals so they remain persistent as you scroll, and change alignment on header and text in tables and pivots. See here to learn more.  

All the above features are available in both Standard and Enterprise Edition across all supported regions - US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Frankfurt, Ireland and London), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo, and US West (GovCloud).