Posted On: Dec 18, 2020

Data providers using the AWS Data Exchange console can now see filtered views of their products and owned data sets. Providers now have the ability to filter their products in the console by name, short description, publishing status, and subscriber visibility. They can also filter their owned data sets by name, data set ID, and data set ARN. This filtering capability is additionally surfaced in the process of adding data sets to new or existing products. For providers with many data sets and products, these console features facilitate faster product creation and management. 

AWS Data Exchange makes it easy to find, subscribe to, and use third-party data in the cloud. Customers use AWS Data Exchange to subscribe to a diverse selection of third-party data products. Once subscribed, customers can use the AWS Data Exchange API or console to export their data to Amazon S3, making it directly available for analysis using AWS’s analytics and machine learning services.

To learn more, see the AWS Data Exchange documentation here.