Posted On: Jan 28, 2021

AWS RoboMaker now supports data upload configurations in simulation jobs, which allows developers to define the type of simulation data they want to upload, choose the upload behavior, and reliably upload the simulation data to their preferred Amazon S3 output location. This functionality makes it easier for developers to review or analyze application output generated during a simulation run or reuse artifacts.

Developers collect logs (rosbags, ros logs, gazebo logs) and other artifacts, such as training data, screenshots and video captures, from their robot simulation runs, which they can later analyze to troubleshoot their robotics applications. Now developers can choose if they want to collect and, upload logs and other artifacts incrementally while the simulation is running, or upload the data after the simulation run has terminated. AWS RoboMaker ensures that the simulation job data is reliably uploaded to the Amazon S3 output location defined by the developer.

AWS RoboMaker is available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) regions.

To get started, please explore the AWS RoboMaker documentation or start generating simulation jobs in the AWS RoboMaker console.