Posted On: Jun 3, 2021

AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN enables customers to set up a private LoRaWAN network without operating a LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS) by connecting their own LoRaWAN devices and gateways directly to the AWS Cloud. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN now supports three new features to help manage LoRaWAN gateways at scale. These new features enable you to query gateway connection status, customize gateway configuration with the desired frequency sub-bands for devices-to-gateway (uplink) communication, and filter messages at the gateway locally to control gateway backhaul connectivity costs.

The first new feature enables you to get real-time connection status of your registered gateways. This allows network operators to monitor or troubleshoot gateway connectivity issues in real-time instead of waiting for the next uplink message timestamp to validate the gateway status.

The second feature lets you specify a desired sub-band or channel plan for your devices-to-gateway communication when using US915 or AU915 frequency bands. Customizing frequency channel plan per gateway can help you minimize the risk of device traffic collisions from different gateways due to coverage overlaps.

Lastly, you can now filter device messages locally at the gateway, which helps you control your gateway backhaul connectivity costs. You can specify a list of private network identifiers (NetID) or LoRaWAN device activation identifier (JoinEUI) in your gateway configuration, and only the messages from these identified devices will be routed to the IoT Core for LoRaWAN network server in the cloud. For example, a customer with a LoRaWAN gateway in a smart building deployment may receive traffic from devices that are outside their network. They can enable device traffic filtering so that only messages received from pre-specified devices are received by IoT Core for LoRaWAN.

You can query the gateway connection status in the AWS IoT Console or using AWS CLI or SDKs. Similarly, you can specify frequency sub-bands, and device or network identifiers for filtering device traffic either during a new gateway registration step or by editing the configuration of an already registered gateway in the console. You can use AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia) and Europe (Ireland). To learn more, visit the developer documentation guide.