Posted On: Jul 14, 2021

Image Builder components, which are a set of documents that enable image customization in EC2 Image Builder, now support parameters as an input in the image build process. You can now reuse your existing component investments in EC2 Image Builder to create different custom images by easily passing component parameters, such as installation directory or software version, in the image recipe.

With parameters in components, customers no longer have to create multiple versions of the same component and manage their versioning and patching. You can also send information at image build runtime to the component definition, via the image recipe. Image Builder will process the component parameter in the build and test stage and create the image with the necessary specifications.

Get started from the EC2 Image Builder Console, CLI, API, Cloud Formation, or CDK, and learn more in the EC2 Image Builder documentation. You can find information about parameters in components on the service documentation page.

You can also learn about upcoming EC2 Image Builder features on the public roadmap.