Posted On: Aug 17, 2021
AWS Systems Manager Fleet Manager, a capability in AWS Systems Manager (SSM) that helps you streamline and scale your remote server management processes, now offers the ability to generate at-a glance reporting on your SSM Managed Instances. The new feature enables you to customize the Fleet Manager information panel in which you can view alerts, status, and details of managed instances and download it for local viewing and analysis.
With Fleet Manager you can generate reports for your entire inventory of Managed Instances. You also have the ability to filter instances based on one or more criteria and create reports for a subset of instances. The downloaded information can be customized by selecting the relevant columns in settings. You can also determine the order in which this information is presented in the report through an easy drag and drop mechanism on the Fleet Manager console. Fleet Manager supports both CSV and JSON formats for report generation.
Fleet Manager is a console based experience in Systems Manager that provides you with visual tools to manage your Windows, Linux, and macOS servers . With Fleet Manager, you can easily perform common administrative tasks such as file system exploration, log management, Windows Registry operations, performance counters, and user management from a single console. You can manage instances running both on AWS and on-premises, without needing to remotely connect to the servers.
Fleet Manager is available in all AWS Regions where Systems Manager is offered (excluding AWS China Regions). To learn more about Fleet Manager, read our blog post or see our documentation and AWS Systems Manager FAQs. To get started, choose Fleet Manager from the Systems Manager left navigation pane.