Posted On: Sep 23, 2021

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles now supports out-of-the-box integration with product purchase history from Salesforce. When a customer calls or messages a contact center for service, Amazon Connect Customer Profiles equips contact center agents with the customer information they need to deliver personalized customer service and resolve issues quickly. Customer Profiles helps make it simple to bring together customer information (e.g., name, address, phone number, contact history, purchase history, open issues) from multiple applications into a unified customer profile, delivering the profile directly to the agent as soon as they begin interacting with the customer. If an agent wants to understand previous interactions to service a customer, they can visit Contact Trace Record (CTR) details page by clicking “CTR Details” to review information such as call categorization, call sentiments and transcripts. Customer Profiles can be used out of the box by agents or embedded in your existing agent application.

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles is available in Europe (London), Europe (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central) and US East (N. Virginia). To learn more about Amazon Connect Customer Profiles please visit our website.