Posted On: Nov 2, 2021

Native support for open source SQLAlchemy (sqlalchemy-redshift) and Apache Airflow frameworks are now available for Amazon Redshift. The updated Amazon Redshift dialect for SQLAlchemy supports the Amazon Redshift open source Python driver. With this release you can use single sign-on with your Identity Provider (IdP) to connect to Redshift clusters and avoid credential management pains. You can also use new Amazon Redshift features such as using TIMESTAMPTZ and TIMETZ datatypes when you migrate to the latest Redshift dialect for SQL Alchemy and Apache Airflow. These features are available in sqlalchemy-redshift version 0.8.6 and later.

Apache Airflow has added RedshiftSQLHook and RedshiftSQLOperator that allows Airflow users to execute Amazon Redshift operations. RedshiftSQLHook leverages the Amazon Redshift open source Python driver (redshift_connector) that supports authenticating via IAM or your Identity Provider supported in SQLAlchemy. The integration of Apache Airflow with SQLAlchemy leverages the updated sqlalchemy-redshift.

The Github repositories for these projects can be found at:

If you use SQL Alchemy or Apache Airflow we recommend that you update to the latest version so that you can benefit from the latest features in Amazon Redshift. You can read Redshift cluster management guide to know about Amazon Redshift Python driver.