Posted On: Apr 29, 2022

Starting today, AWS customers have access to additional features to manage their EC2 key pairs. Customers can view the creation date and public key material for existing and new key pairs created using EC2 key pairs. Customers will also be able to create ED25519 key pairs in ppk format in addition to pem format and create key pairs using CloudFormation templates.

EC2 customers use key pairs to authenticate to EC2 instances, when they needed to establish secure connections to deploy and manage EC2 instances. Previously, customers could only view a list of key pairs they created along with the tag assigned to it. With the addition of new management features, customers will be able to view creation date on the AWS Management Console as well as using CLI and SDK. Customers will also be able to query for the public key material using the DescribeKeypairs API.

Customers using ED25519 keypairs on EC2, will now be able to generate keys in PPK format simplifying connectivity with third party clients such as PuTTY using these keys.

In addition to this, customers can now also create and delete key pairs using CloudFormation templates. To learn more about key pairs visit our documentation.