Posted On: May 13, 2022

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Anywhere now allows you to enable Amazon-curated software packages that extend the core functionalities of Kubernetes on your EKS Anywhere clusters. You can install the Harbor package as a local container registry starting today, with the Emissary-Ingress package and the support for service type load balancing through MetalLB coming in the next few months. More curated packages may be added over time based on customer demand.

If you operate EKS Anywhere clusters on-premises, you probably install additional software for capabilities such as ingress, load balancing, and container registry to ensure the security and reliability of your clusters. However, you may be spending a lot of effort researching for the right software, tracking updates, and testing them for compatibility. Now with EKS Anywhere Curated Packages, you can rely on Amazon to provide trusted, up-to-date, and compatible software that is supported by Amazon, reducing the need for multiple vendor support agreements and the time required to maintain additional software.

To get started, follow the documentation to install the EKS Anywhere package controller and the Harbor package.

Note: The EKS Anywhere package controller and the EKS Anywhere Curated Packages (referred to as “features”) are provided as “preview features” subject to the AWS Service Terms (including Section 2 “Betas and Previews”) of the same. During the EKS Anywhere Curated Packages Public Preview, the AWS Service Terms are extended to provide customers access to these features free of charge. These features will be subject to a service charge and fee structure at ”General Availability“ of the features.