Posted On: Jul 7, 2022

AWS CloudFormation StackSets launched a new feature that allows you to deploy stack sets to selected AWS accounts in an Organizational Unit (OU) in a single operation. You can use this feature to target or skip stack sets deployment to AWS accounts within an OU. For example, you can use this feature to skip deployment of an AWS Config policy in AWS accounts that already have the policy within an OU. In a few clicks, you can re-deploy stack sets to those AWS accounts in which the earlier stack sets deployment had failed. Similarly, you can skip stack set deployment to suspended AWS accounts in an OU.

This feature introduces a new filter called AccountFilterType in DeploymentTargets. AccountFilterType allows you to perform advanced deployment strategies across OUs within your enterprise. With AccountFilterType, you can limit deployment targets to AWS accounts using three options: intersection, difference, and union. For example, you can create a deployment strategy that targets all AWS accounts from OU1 and selected AWS accounts from OU2.

You can use this feature via AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface, AWS Software Development Kit, and AWS CloudFormation StackSet Resource. This feature is available with service-managed StackSets in AWS Regions where StackSets is available. To learn more, visit CloudFormation StackSets documentation.