Posted On: Aug 26, 2022

AWS Firewall Manager now allows you to centrally configure AWS Managed Rules for AWS Network Firewall policies, enabling you to stay up to date on the latest security threats without writing and maintaining your own firewall rules.

AWS Managed Rules for AWS Network Firewall are a set of rules written, curated, and managed by AWS that can be easily deployed to your Network Firewall endpoints. AWS managed rules are automatically updated to provide you with protection against new vulnerabilities and threats. Starting today, AWS Firewall Manager can centrally configure AWS Managed Rules for your network firewalls across all your accounts, simplifying deployment. There is no additional charge for using AWS Managed Rules for AWS Network Firewall. You can get started with AWS Managed Rules for Network Firewall for new and existing Network Firewall policies.

AWS Firewall Manager is a security management service that acts as a central place for you to configure and deploy firewall rules across accounts and resources in your organization. With Firewall Manager, you can deploy and monitor rules for AWS WAF, AWS Shield Advanced, VPC security groups, AWS Network Firewall, Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall, and third-party firewalls across your entire organization. For detailed information, see the AWS Firewall Manager documentation and the AWS Region Table for the list of regions where AWS Firewall Manager is currently available.