Posted On: Nov 21, 2022

Amazon EventBridge introduces new capabilities that make it simpler to build rules. Amazon EventBridge now supports generating CloudFormation templates from the rules and buses console pages. CloudFormation templates help provision and manage the configuration of event buses and rules, and you can now export your existing configurations in the console directly to a CloudFormation template. Simply select an existing rule in the console, pick JSON or YAML, and click the download button to export the configuration to a CloudFormation template. The CloudFormation template will contain the rule and target(s) of the rule. You can also select an event bus, choose whether or not to include existing rules on that bus, and download a CloudFormation template containing information for the bus, rules (if included), and targets. This makes it easier to generate CloudFormation templates for more complex rules and targets, and simplifies configuring rules and buses in different environments. 

Additionally, you can now generate event patterns from a schema. Schemas define the structure of an event. During rule evaluation, event patterns are used to check if the incoming event matches the expected event pattern. If it does, the event is sent to a downstream target. Previously, you had to write the event pattern manually, but with this launch you can now generate an event pattern using an existing schema. You can view and select attributes to include from the schema, specify whether they are required or not, and define acceptable values for that attribute. You can then use the generated event pattern to verify that your rule will match against events as expected. 

The console updates are available in the following regions: US East (Ohio and N. Virginia), US West (Oregon and N. California), Canada (Central), Europe (Stockholm, Paris, Ireland, Frankfurt, London, Milan, Spain and Zurich), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Seoul, Osaka, Tokyo, Singapore and Sydney), Middle East (Bahrain, UAE) and South America (Sao Paulo). 

To get started, visit the AWS Management Console