Posted On: Nov 18, 2022

We are happy to announce general availability of Amazon WorkSpaces integration with SAML 2.0. As an administrator, you can now enable SAML 2.0 authentication on your WorkSpaces directory to control end user access to desktops by using your SAML 2.0 identity provider (IdP).

With SAML 2.0 authentication, your end users can access their WorkSpaces desktops by authenticating to your IdP using their default web browser. The feature enables a consistent and familiar experience for end users who already authenticate to your IdP to access other enterprise applications in addition to WorkSpaces. SAML 2.0 authentication allows you to extend security features available from your IdP to WorkSpaces, including multi-factor authentication (MFA) and contextual access. 

There are no additional charges for using SAML 2.0 authentication with WorkSpaces. SAML 2.0 authentication is available in all AWS Regions where WorkSpaces is offered, including AWS GovCloud (US-West). End users will be able to access their WorkSpaces with SAML 2.0 authentication by using the latest WorkSpaces client application versions for Windows and macOS. Learn more about how to get started with WorkSpaces SAML 2.0 integration by visiting the WorkSpaces Administration Guide.