Posted On: Dec 22, 2022

AWS License Manager announces support for cross-region, cross-account tracking of commercial Linux subscriptions you run on AWS. This includes subscriptions purchased as part of EC2 subscription-included AMIs, on the AWS Marketplace, or brought to AWS via Red Hat Cloud Access Program. You can track subscription usage by number of instances for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and Ubuntu Pro distributions in the Linux subscriptions tab of the AWS License Manager console. 

Once data is discovered and aggregated, you will have insight into all your instances using commercial Linux subscriptions. To view historical usage patterns and set alarms when key thresholds are met for a particular subscription type, you can view the data as Amazon CloudWatch dashboards in the AWS License Manager console and set Amazon CloudWatch alarms from within the AWS License Manager console for monitoring. For data analysis, you can view and export the list of EC2 instances by commercial Linux subscription type (or across all subscriptions types) with instance attributes such as subscription type, AMI id, instance ID, account ID, region, usage operation, and product code.   

This feature is available in all AWS Regions where AWS License Manager is available, except the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

To get started, you can visit the AWS License Manager console and select the Linux subscriptions tab in the left navigation. As a first time user, you will be directed to AWS License Manager settings where you can select the regions you want the Linux subscriptions data to be gathered from, and set-up linking with AWS Organizations to see a cross-account view. To learn more, see the Linux subscriptions section in the AWS License Manager user guide.