Posted On: Feb 17, 2023

Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights has increased the log group quota from 20 to 50, increased query timeouts from 15 minutes to 60 minutes, and increased query concurrency quota from 20 to 30. By increasing the queried log groups’ quotas from 20 to 50, customers can now select up to 50 log groups in a single query. With the increased query timeout from 15 mins to 60 mins, customers can successfully execute long-running queries. With increased concurrency from 20 to 30, customers can now run 30 queries parallel. The increases across log group limits, timeouts and concurrency provides an even powerful customer experience to troubleshoot better as customers can efficiently and effectively query on log data in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The quota increase is supported for both single and cross-account queries.

Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights is a fully integrated, interactive, pay-as-you-go log analytics service for CloudWatch. Logs Insights enables you to explore, analyze, and visualize your logs, allowing you to troubleshoot operational problems with ease. Logs Insights supports queries with aggregations, filters, and regular expressions for analyzing your logs. With this launch, Logs Insights now supports higher number of log groups that can be queried, increased timeouts, and increased concurrency enabling customers to get more value from their Log Insights queries.

With a few clicks in the AWS Management Console, you can start using CloudWatch Logs Insights to query logs sent to CloudWatch. Alternatively, you can use CloudWatch Logs Insights API for query execution. This feature is supported in all AWS Regions where Logs Insights is available. You can learn more about CloudWatch Logs Insights pricing here. To get started, visit our Getting Started guide.