Posted On: Feb 3, 2023

Amazon EC2 now supports replacing the root volume on a running EC2 Mac instance, enabling you to restore the root volume of an EC2 Mac instance to its initial launch state or to a specific snapshot, without requiring you to stop or terminate the instance. You can now reset the EC2 Mac instance back to a known state, while still retaining any local data, networking configurations, and IAM instance profiles. You can also leverage this capability to quickly provision fresh macOS environments on your EC2 Mac Dedicated Hosts without triggering the host scrubbing workflow.

This capability is supported on both EC2 x86 Mac Instances (mac1.metal) and EC2 M1 Mac Instances (mac2.metal), and is available in all regions where EC2 Mac Instances are available. To learn more about this capability, visit the Replace a root volume page. To learn more about EC2 Mac Instances, visit the Amazon EC2 Mac Instances documentation.