Posted On: Mar 17, 2023

AWS CodeBuild’s support for GPU-based workloads now run on an additional 4vCPU 1GPU machine type suited for less-resource intensive workloads.

In November 2019, CodeBuild launched support for GPU builds to enable customers to build and test their machine learning applications before they’re released to production. Before, CodeBuild customers were able to use a 32vCPU 1GPU machine to run their work loads. Now, customers can use a 4vCPU 1GPU machine, which is suited to run less resource-intensive workloads or balance speed with cost.

AWS CodeBuild’s support for a small GPU machine is now available in: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (London), Europe (Ireland), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Canada (Central).

To learn more about CodeBuild’s support for GPU, please visit our documentation. To learn more about how to get started, visit the AWS CodeBuild product page.