Posted On: Jun 29, 2023
Today, AWS Marketplace is extending transaction purchase order support to server products with certain pricing types, giving customers the ability to ensure their invoices reflect the proper purchase order. This launch makes it easier for customers to process and pay invoices.
AWS Marketplace transaction purchase orders will allow the purchase order that a customer provides at the time of the transaction in AWS Marketplace, to appear on all related out-of-cycle invoices related to that purchase. Now, a customer’s management (payer) account and linked accounts can provide a purchase order at the time of purchase in AWS Marketplace for Pro-serve, SaaS contracts, AMI contracts, container contracts, Cloud Formation Template contracts, and helm chart contracts. In addition, transaction purchase orders can be added for private offers with a flexible payment schedule for AMI, container, Cloud Formation Templates and helm chart products with annual pricing models.
To enable transaction purchase orders for AWS Marketplace, sign into the management account (for AWS Organizations) and enable the AWS Billing integration in the AWS Marketplace Console settings, or read the AWS Marketplace Buyer Guide to learn more.