Posted On: Jun 19, 2023

Today, OpsCenter, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, announces simplified cross-account management of operational issues (OpsItems). In just a few clicks, customers can configure OpsCenter to centrally create, view, and manage operational issues across all accounts in their AWS Organization.

Many AWS customers have adopted a multi-account strategy for cost and security reasons. With AWS resources spread across multiple accounts, operators need a way to centrally diagnose and remediate operational issues. Starting today, customers can set up centralized management of operational issues with just a few clicks by selecting a central account and designating which accounts that central account can manage operational issues for. Once configured, if an instance in any of the AWS accounts that were designated for management by the central account runs out of disk space, an operator logged into the central account will be able to view diagnostic information such as disk usage trends, logs, and recent configuration changes and run a pre-defined runbook to increase storage volume, without having to switch accounts.

This new feature is available in all AWS Regions where Quick Setup, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, is available for AWS Organizations.

To get started with set up, log in to your management account, choose OpsCenter from the Systems Manager left navigation menu, and select the link to “Configure OpsCenter cross-account management” under the “Cross-account” tab on the Settings page. To learn more, see the following list of resources: