Posted On: Jul 27, 2023

Today, we launched an in-line editing experience for partner originated opportunities imported to the APN Customer Engagements (ACE) pipeline manager via the bulk channel. Bulk import helps AWS Partners maximize efficiency when utilizing the ACE Pipeline Manager by allowing users to submit up to 250 opportunities at a time.

This launch simplifies the bulk opportunities import process by introducing a grid that allows partner sales users to perform in-line editing on their imported opportunities without having to leave the bulk import user interface. This feature optimizes the import process to make it faster by removing redundant steps of downloading, offline updating, and reuploading a CSV file for rectification of import errors. The dynamic in-line editing grid saves time and effort for our partner sales users and enables them to submit opportunities with a higher success rate.

To get started, please log on to AWS Partner Central and review ACE Bulk Functionality User Guide.