Posted On: Jul 26, 2023

Enterprises undergoing digital transformation often turn to AWS partners with the expertise of running computing workloads in containers. They are looking for partners who can assess their IT environment, consult on potential application migration from on-premise, refactor from running on single compute instances, integrate with other AWS services or software vendors, help with workload deployment, and operate/optimize the service on their behalf. Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate provide scalable, reliable, and secure container orchestration for both Managed and Serverless approaches.

We are extremely excited to announce the Amazon ECS Delivery specialization, which highlights those partners who distinguish themselves in displaying high levels of technical expertise in assessing, scoping, designing, integrating, deploying, operating, and optimizing container environments using Amazon ECS or AWS Fargate. Such partners demonstrate the ability to deliver high-quality solutions scaled to meet the needs of the customer and are validated by AWS against recommended and best practices.