Posted On: Jul 6, 2023

On June 8th, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) announced support for dead-letter queue (DLQ) redrive via AWS SDK or Command Line Interface (CLI). Today, SQS announces support for dead-letter queue redrive via AWS SDK or CLI in the AWS GovCloud (US-West and US-East) Regions. Dead-letter queue redrive is an enhanced capability to improve the DLQ management experience for Amazon SQS customers. Now, customers can use AWS SDK or CLI to programmatically manage the lifecycle of their unconsumed messages at scale.

Customers increasingly use distributed systems with event-driven architectures, making their applications more efficient, scalable, and reliable. Sometimes errors occur in the distributed systems, such as a consumer is not able to successfully consume the messages from the queue. In such error cases, Amazon SQS moves the unconsumed message to a DLQ, if configured. This enables customers to inspect messages that are not consumed successfully and debug their application failures without losing any messages. To automate DLQ message redrive workflows, customers can now use the following actions:

1) StartMessageMoveTask, to start a new message movement task from the DLQ;
2) CancelMessageMoveTask, to cancel the message movement task;
3) ListMessageMoveTasks, to get 10 most recent message movement tasks for a specified source queue.

Getting started with the dead-letter queue redrive via AWS SDK and CLI is easy. See SQS Documentation for more information on how to automate DLQ redrive using the AWS SDK and/or CLI.

DLQ redrive via AWS SDK and CLI is available in all commercial AWS Regions, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, where Amazon SQS is available.