Posted On: Jul 27, 2023

We’re excited to announce that developers can now launch simulations with multiple spatial domains to separate different types of simulation logic and better allocate compute resources.

With most simulation software, all simulation code to control behavior, movement, and interaction of entities is package together as a single application. For example, simulating a virtual city might involve pedestrians walking on sidewalks and vehicles traveling on roads. The pedestrians and vehicles each have a different set of behaviors that require different amounts of compute resources. Simulating 100K vehicles may take as many compute resources as simulating 1 million pedestrians depending on their complexity. Combining both entity types into a single application limits the simulation’s ability to scale based on the most resource intensive entity.

Developers can use multiple domains for more advanced simulations that combine multiple sets of behaviors in a single environment. Continuing our example from above, a simulation can now allocate a fixed number of compute resources for pedestrians and another fixed number of compute resources for vehicles. Despite the logical division, the simulation can still behave as a single, seamless environment where entities can see, interact, and transfer between domains.

SimSpace Weaver is available in ten AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), AWS GovCloud (US-East), AWS GovCloud (US-West), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), and Europe (Stockholm).

Learn more and get started using multiple spatial domains in your simulations today.