Posted On: Aug 25, 2023

Amazon QuickSight now supports scheduled generation of Excel workbooks by selecting multiple tables and pivot table visuals from any sheet of a dashboard. Snapshot Export APIs will now also support programmatic export to Excel format, in addition to Paginated PDF and CSV. 

This export feature preserves key formats like number, currency, column width, header bold, and more. And, if multiple tables and pivot table visuals are selected they are exported as separate sheets of a single Excel workbook.

The new feature requires an Amazon QuickSight Enterprise edition and Subscription to Paginated Reporting and is available in the following AWS Regions where QuickSight is available: US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), Canada, Sao Paulo, Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland and London), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo).

For additional details you can click here