Posted On: Sep 27, 2023

Today, we are announcing that AWS Telco Network Builder is now available in 5 new regions across Asia, America and Europe. AWS Telco Network Builder is now generally available in 5 additional regions: Asia Pacific (Seoul), Canada (Central), Europe (Spain), Europe (Stockholm), and South America (Sao Paulo). 

AWS Telco Network Builder is a fully managed service that helps customers deploy, run, and scale telco networks on AWS. Communications service providers (CSPs) can use their familiar telecom industry standard language to describe the details of their network (e.g., connection points, networking requirements, compute needs, and geographical distribution) in a template uploaded to the service. AWS Telco Network Builder translates the template into a cloud-based network architecture and provisions the necessary AWS infrastructure, shortening the deployment timeframe of an operational, cloud-configured telco network from days to hours. As customers update their networks, AWS Telco Network Builder automatically adjusts compute and storage resources, allowing CSPs to focus on business operations and deliver new services. AWS Telco Network Builder provides a centralized dashboard to monitor and manage the network running on AWS infrastructure – whether in AWS Regions, AWS Local Zones, or on premises using AWS Outposts.

With this launch, AWS Telco Network Builder is now available in 10 AWS Regions. See the AWS Regional Services List for the most up-to-date availability information.

To learn more about AWS Telco Network Builder, visit our blog, product page or documentation. To get started, sign in to the AWS Telco Network Builder Console.