Posted On: Oct 17, 2023

Auto-complete suggestion and syntax error checking is now available in Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2. This feature empowers you to build queries more efficiently and accurately, as you can quickly access and utilize relevant database object names without the need to remember each detail by providing SQL syntax or database object name suggestions, either within an editor tab or a notebook. The suggestions are sorted by relevance and indicate availability, as well as help with spelling difficult database object names.

Autocomplete suggestions are automatically activated or can be triggered by a simple shortcut within Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2. As you write your SQL code, the autocomplete suggestions not only offer native Redshift SQL syntax, but also provide suggestions for schemas, tables, views, functions, stored procedures and column names. This feature even adapts to your query aliases, providing a comprehensive experience. With this feature, you can not only reduce your coding time, but also maintain the accuracy of your code through syntax validation. The syntax validation is integrated within Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 and operates continuously, identifying potential errors as you code.

Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 is now available in the AWS Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), and Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Regions.

Amazon Redshift Query Editor V2 autocomplete suggestions and syntax validation features are available in AWS commercial Regions and the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. To learn more, see the documentation.